
Transformers, LLMs, Neural Networks, Neuroscience, Cognition


  1. In prep
    ArchVision: How far can you model biological vision solely with architecture and local learning?
    Yash Mehta, Atlas Kazemian, Colin Conwell, and Michael Bonner
    In 2024
  2. In prep
    An Empirical Study of Perturbation Based Algorithms for Training Deep Networks
    Yash Mehta, Naoki Hiratani, Peter Latham, and Timothy Lillicrap
    In 2024
  3. Biorxiv
    Model-Based Inference of Synaptic Plasticity Rules
    Yash Mehta, Dan Tyulmankov, Adithya Rajagopalan, James Fitzgerald, and 1 more author
    In 2024



    1. NAS-Bench-Suite: NAS Evaluation is (Now) Surprisingly Easy
      Yash Mehta, Colin White, Arber Zela, Arjun Krishnakumar, and 5 more authors
      In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2022
    2. Stability and Scalability of Node Perturbation Learning
      Naoki Hiratani, Yash MehtaTimothy Lillicrap, and Peter Latham
      In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2022
    3. Future-generation personality prediction from digital footprints
      Yash Mehta, Clemens Stachl, Konstantin Markov, Joseph T Yun, and 1 more author
      Future Generation Computer Systems 2022


    1. Towards Biologically Plausible Convolutional Networks
      Roman Pogodin, Yash MehtaTimothy Lillicrap, and Peter Latham
      In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021


    1. Personality Trait Detection Using Bagged SVM over BERT Word Embedding Ensembles
      In ACL WiNLP Workshop 2020
    2. Bottom-Up and Top-Down: Predicting Personality with Psycholinguistic and Language Model Features
      Yash Mehta, Samin Fatehi, Amirmohammad Kazameini, Clemens Stachl, and 1 more author
      In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 2020
    3. Multitask learning for emotion and personality detection
      Yang Li, Amirmohammad Kazameini, Yash Mehta, and Erik Cambria
      Neurocomputing 2020


    1. Recent Trends in Deep Learning Based Personality Detection
      Yash Mehta, Navonil Majumder, Alexander Gelbukh, and Erik Cambria
      Artificial Intelligence Review 2019